大家好呀!Hi Everyone!
好久好久没更新这个部落格了... 我自己 都快開始懷疑痞客邦是否還在運行中! 我備份也沒弄,若這網站就這樣關閉了那我可要哭死了。
It's been so long since I've truly been active on blogging that I was even doubting that I could even access this portal anymore. I haven't done any backup and it would have been devastating should this portal be closed!
今天要評的產品我已用了一整子了,基本上除了眼影盤外,其他的都不錯. 他們家的產品價格沒有很便宜但是常會在蝦皮搞促銷,還是值得一試的。
The mini review + pictorial of full face makeup using products from the Chinese brand Perfect Diary, featuring the Cardcaptor Sakura set. Their products aren't exactly cheap/within range of drugstore, but based on quality presented, it is reasonable. Not forgetting that it always launches sales/promotion sets, it's still worthwhile to give it a try.
Being lazy & attempting to be efficient at presenting effects/results of the makeup application, there ain't no video, just loads of pictures for you to asses (i.e. pictorial).
喔! 對了! 我已經在上一篇品評提到了底妝使用的粉底液,請參考前篇文章吧。Please refer to previous post for review of the liquid foundation as I'm skipping to the compact powder.
首先看看這款輕盈柔焦定妝粉餅吧。上了粉底液之後我使用了這款粉餅定妝.。若使用他的粉撲會顯得比較厚重,建議使用粉刷效果比較柔順輕薄。This compact powder is rather smooth to the touch, not too dry but if applied using their puff, it tends to appear too heavy. I prefer to use a brush to lightly set the liquid foundation.
以下照片是已經上了粉底液和此粉餅 below photos taken after applying the powder on top of the liquid foundation:
接下來就是先把眉毛畫出來,會更容易拿捏眼影的覆蓋範圍。超級懶惰時可以就此打住,戴上口罩就收工(現在是疫情時期,長戴口罩出門也可乾脆放棄使用唇彩和腮紅了)。 所使用的眉筆超便宜,顏色選擇也挺多的.(查閱上篇文章的產品連結吧)。 我用的是2號褐色。我一次過購入的還包括灰色(4號),但本人非常不推薦有著濃厚眉毛的你使用他們家的灰色,因為我自己有時候都會不小心下手太重變成另一種蠟筆小新的說....
Next, get the brows filled/drawn to frame or set up an area to have your eye shadows applied. During this period of covid endemic where my country require us to remain mask-on, I would also consider stopping at the brows as Lippie & blush could be skipped; typically when brows are done up you'd be looking fresh & alert already. This brow pencil is not under perfect diary, but it's really cheap & I've gotten quite a few of their colours except black. The one used in photos is #2 Brown. #4 is grey which I recommend that if you have thick or sufficient brow hair to avoid else it's disastrous. Link to product is captured in previous post.
對比之前沒有畫眉的照片是看得出來眉毛的重要性呢,會讓人比較有精神。If you were to compare earlier photos against this, it is obvious that just having brows done already made a difference to overall look of the face.
接下來就是上眼影的步驟了。 我使用了同款/系列的眼影盤. 乍看之下顏色讓我充滿了期待!我個人對於鮮豔亮麗的顏色偏愛! 雖然我們身為亞洲人/黃皮膚人會更適合使用棕/橘/紅/粉/褐色類的顏色, 但我還是比較喜歡讓眼妝更多彩繽紛! 那個紫藍色的亮粉色卻讓我很失望,完全不顯色,質地也偏乾澀,若沒上妝前霜/液是很難使用此眼影。看看我試用在手背上的效果便知 the next item used is the Cardcaptor Sakura set palette that contains eye shadow, blush & highlight. However, it was such a disappointment as the colour payoff of the glitter shadow was very bad. I didn't use any eye primer & in this case, the shadows on its own are very light & doesn't wear long. The blush & highlight are too sparkly as the glitters are not fine enough hence I've skipped those and used some colors of eyeshadow that does show:
坦白說,我已經忘了我用了哪些顏色。應為太失望了就隨便用了比較顯色的眼影了。 效果不錯啦,但它的閃亮度有待加強。 原本想用腮紅的,但那腮紅太過多亮粉了把我嚇退了。
眼影上了就剩眼線啦. 我其實比較喜歡+習慣使用眼線筆或眼線膠/糕。通常只會幫別人用眼線液,特別是幫她們畫特效妝/cosplay妝/派對妝時才會用液體眼線筆繪圖(我閒暇時會提供簡易/晚會彩妝服務,並不是專業的彩妝師)。很難得這個妝容沒有被我用液體眼線筆毀掉。 購入的顏色是棕褐色,但色澤飽滿、液體流暢度很好畫不會太過拉扯眼皮。眼線筆頭使用的是刷毛類的筆頭,使用時在控制上的拿捏很輕鬆順手,只是本人手會抖又不習慣幫自己用液體款的,所以很難不把線畫得比較粗一點。這產品的品評也請參閱前篇文章。It's now the step of putting on some eyeliner. I'm usually using eye liner pencil or gel as those are great for my occasionally shaky hands & also more towards the style I prefer. But the advertisement of this item was quite intriguing for me that I gave in & bought it. It's in a shade of brown (black is available too) but looks surprisingly dark. It's got a fine Brush tip which gave it good control for intricate details; my shaky hands tends to cause boo boo along the way hence it's good that it's fine enough for me to turn the boo boos into some sort of Art (see prev post photos which I messed up the liner). When I work as freelance makeup artist, doing liquid liner on my customers are much easier than me doing on me eyes, this is something I always wonder why. 😆 Oh, not to forget that the liner is rather opaque & juicy. Most impressively, it is VERY resistant to my teary eyes + oily lids, stays on till I want to remove it.
再來終於差不多要結束了!! 我很誇張的連它們的睫毛夾都給他買來用咧,只差沒買它們的刷具了! 睫毛夾就普通吧,弧度剛好適合我的澎澎/脬脬眼。當然也買了他們家的睫毛膏啦。品評如同之前的產品參考前一篇的文章。The eye lash curler is average good, curvature matches my slightly protruding/convex eye & the mascara review has been posted in previous article, do check it out.
最後最後就算不上腮紅也不可能錯過唇彩的啦! 而且呢,這款唇彩是一套一系列的,不用它也怪啦。 使用時很好塗抹,唇刷的刷頭是典型的水滴型人造棉刷頭。 唇彩的質地是霧面性的,會沾黏、會掉色,但比一般油亮型的唇彩還持久。粉橘紅色很顯白也適合這組合的眼影色系。但久了會讓嘴唇變得乾澀,所以不是我愛的唇彩類。若要持久性超強也不沾染,這款不行/不達標。我會推Maybelline 的 SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick / Crayon 系列的任何顏色喔!
Last but not least, the liquid lipstick of the Cardcaptor Sakura Set is a shade of coral which in photo & in person tend to be towards orangey tone but very flattering for Asian skin & matches the eye shadow scheme in the set. It applies smoothly as the texture is liquidy yet has a thickness that allows it to dry down to matte yet not completely dry feeling. It is not wear-proof hence it will wear off with eating, drinking etc. Wearing it tends to dry the lips up even after the colour completely wears off hence I don't recommend this. The products typed in English above are the ones I would recommend if you want great feeling Lippies that doesn't not budge.
好了, 就在這裡畫下句點嘍!
現在全球的疫情狀況已經沒那麼嚴重了,很希望能找到機會飛往台灣、 韓國 和 泰國。這些國家除了風景棒棒、美食多多、彩妝和保養品也很合我味啦~! Me just rambling off about my desires to visit Taiwan, Korea & Thailand for it's scenic places, food & makeup/skincare!
直到下一篇文章的誕生前,大家多多保重了till the next post, stay safe~!
芳.夏爾斯 | FS.Rain