大家好!! 這次真的很興奮,應為我終於摸索到如何剪接我路的品評了~~ 呵呵,其實並不只是技術上的"邁進"讓我如此的興奮。應該說是我的"新發現"讓我迫不及待想要與你們分享!
Hi Everyone~ This is so exciting for me coz I've finally figured out how to use the most basic Windows Movie Maker to edit my video review. ^o^ Not just that actually, it is my excitement on the product that I've found and will be reviewing for you.
As I am waiting for my movie to be processed and published into the appropriate file format, I have more than enough time to blog billingually!
廢話不多說,讓我切入正題吧! Let's get started!
The product which I am reviewing today is the new product from Bio-essence >> Bio-Hydra Water Soluble Olive Cleansing Oil.
最近在牛車水一帶的SwanSton用品店發現大罐裝(120ml)的才賣新幣9.90哦!這裡的小屈卻要叫價新幣19.90耶!! 9.90 的價錢應該會讓我想要將他賣回家.但目前在市場上還有很多其他品牌的卸妝油是我很想要試用的,所以近期內應該不會馬上補貨,但這絕對會是我滿喜歡也會向朋友們推薦的,因為價廉物美!!
I went to SwanSton in Chinatown recently and saw the full size selling at SGD9.90 whereas in Watsons, it is sold at SGD19.90. For a price of SGD9.90, this is definitely gonna be a repurchase item, however, given that there are several other oil cleansers in the market that I wish to try out, I'm most likely not gonn get it in the months to come.. most probably after I've tried all the drugstore oil cleansers and what not, then shall I get my hands back on these babies!! Nonetheless, I strongly recommend this product and it shall be something that I will be eager to shall with my friends and relatives!
基本上我只嘗試過FANCL的Mild Cleansing Oil 卸妝油,而且認為是最好的了。但應為價錢偏高,我現在又幾乎是天天上妝,用的的卸妝品用量會很多,所以需要找到更價廉物美的有效產品,可終於給我找到了!
I have only tried FANCL's Mild Cleansing Oil before in terms of oil makeup removers, and I still think that it's the best product. However, it is slightly on the more expensive side for me, cosider the fact that I wear makeup almost everyday. Therefore, I started out to find an alternative oil-base cleansing.. and then I DID!
I have recorded a mini review + product usage demo in the following video. Please check it out and feel free to leave me your questions or suggestions to improve on the video review.
There's also instructions printed on the box to better illustrate the how-to-use its product
Thank you for your support and I hope that you'll revisit me soon!! ^o^
FS.Rain | 芳.夏爾颸