大家好呀!Hi Everyone!
好久好久没更新这个部落格了... 我自己 都快開始懷疑痞客邦是否還在運行中! 我備份也沒弄,若這網站就這樣關閉了那我可要哭死了。
It's been so long since I've truly been active on blogging that I was even doubting that I could even access this portal anymore. I haven't done any backup and it would have been devastating should this portal be closed!
今天要評的產品我已用了一整子了,基本上除了眼影盤外,其他的都不錯. 他們家的產品價格沒有很便宜但是常會在蝦皮搞促銷,還是值得一試的。
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi Everyone~
I almost thought that I might never get the motivation to update my blog and YouTube channel already as the last entry was like.... 3 years ago? OMG!!!
Anyways, let's start small. I am sharing a mini review of the products from Perfect Diary that I have been using for the past 3 months or so:
1. Perfect Diary High Coverage Long Wear Liquid Foundation, #P01 Cool Beige [SGD 12.90]
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Hi Everyone!
Happy New Year!! It's been so long since I updated my blog and I truly hope to do more in this very special space that I have created since years ago.
I have tried on some Daiso skincare and makeup that was released in stores around the last 2 months of 2018.

The actual amount of products that I got was way more than what is shown above and in the video that was shot.
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
I wasn't feeling well... Negativity in thoughts, feelings of anxiety washed over me... A change of thought led me to the library: get some materials for my research, seek some peace and quiet time, it might ease the tensions and aggravation.
Passed a shelf and this book caught my eyes, my hand reached for it and brought it with me. After getting the resources that I need, I decided to spend some time reading it.
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Inspired by a recent inquiry for Velma Kelly makeup for D&D, and wanting to be in-sync (colour wise) with this drama character "龙幽" played by 鄭元暢Joseph Cheng in «仙剑云之凡» which was scripted based on a Chinese «仙剑奇侠传» aka Legend of Sword & Fairy / Chinese Paladin. The effects only shows on 1 side of the face, which hinted at the "true colour" of a "non-mortal/幽冥人" whose skin emits greenish silvery tones with blue tints hair, brows & lashes.
其實啊,最近有幾個彩妝服務的詢問。其中的一位想畫個歌舞劇 «Chicago» 里 Velma Kelly 的妝,可惜臨時決定不畫了。
我已經做足了功課本想大顯身手,所以索性自己動手。而且阿,最近看了元暢的«龍幽»,讓我好心動哦!所以這個妝是想像著有點戲劇性象徵的幽冥人,透過"半邊真實身份" 和顯現在"凡間"時的模樣。
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
I did a formal makeup today for ID photo using #coastalscents #revealed3 palette for eyes.
Other products used:
- #essencecosmetics Liquid Lipstick 05 Peach Party.
- #GIVERNY Milkchak Cover Foundation in 02 Yellow Skin
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
I have been with Carousell, Qoo10 and Shopee (plus my BlogShop) for some time but I do find that it's hard to organise Spree via these platforms due to several reasons:
- They are shopping platforms, items put up on sale based on stock count
- They do not offer transactional safety / no payment handling
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
Received from my dearest ex-boss and friend Peggy Tan: what each animal in the Chinese Zodiac symbolises and represents. Why and how they are arranged in the Zodiac. Recall the legends of the 12 Zodiac (12生肖的传说/故事), it's show how reflecting what ancesters wished upon their decendents: the desired virtues to possess. I think that this should be shared although this ain't beauty related. 虽然以下的内容源自Whatsapp友群互传的内容(属实性无从追究), 也和美容沾不上边, 我觉得这是一篇的内容很具启发性。也应该大肆转发。我指的是十二生肖的含义及祖先们对于自子孙孙们的期许。
FS.Rain | 芳 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()